March 3, 2025

83 thoughts on “Yankees (6-1) vs. Blue Jays (3-4), Friday, April 5, 2024, 1:05 PM EDT

    1. almost as big a problem as “can’t make contact with anything over 92” .

      he’d be awesome on the Ducks though.

    1. I find it hard to believe the Yankees juggled the rotation so MARCUS STROMAN could start the home opener

      I think what happened is that it was either going to be Stroman or Schmidt in Game 3, and whoever pitched Game 3 would pitch the home opener, and Stroman likely asked that he get the home opener, so they agreed. Then when Cole got hurt, Stroman didn’t want to give up the home opener.

    1. There was pre-2022 and there is “now.” No need to modify “now.” He is totally cooked and will be unless someone indulges him by throwing flat breaking pitches.

  1. could he just need glasses? someone has asked, right?

    i got nothing else, he just doesn’t deserve a spot on the roster until proven otherwise.

    very hard to see him getting to 500

  2. There are many of us who have been saying Stanton’s cooked for a while. How many more at bats do they give him? Yes every now and then he’ll run into one, but mostly he’s just no longer a good or even average baseball player. Does the GM understand the concept of “sunk cost”? I know he costs you $30m but must he ALSO cost us games? Literally below replacement level player. Just find a replacement level player and be done with this nonsense.

    1. When Toronto even went to a righty, I was REALLY expecting Waldo, but alas, it wasn’t to be.

      But yes, Wells has got to be pinch-hitting for Trevy next inning.

    1. boone is still a major liability, people have simply moved on to complaining about other things and wishcasting based on a SSS.

  3. I absolutely can not believe Booner did not pinch hit for Trevi. Even Grisham let alone Waldo or Wells would be more likely to get on base. Bad Booner is back as are the 23 Yankees.

  4. Something that a few of us noted when the Yankees were first talking about Soto, the dude is an extremely streaky hitter, so I was worried he would start off slowly and the fans wouldn’t be able to handle it, but instead, it looks like he’s delayed his early slump.

  5. Volpe is still hot, Soto is /16, Judge is the only hitter over 600 in the lineup. Stanton at 471 and Trevi hitting 083/237, 2022 Trevi is gone forever. (Waldo 346/1008) crazy glued to the bench apparently.n

    1. If they give up a few more then the Yankees will score. Stanton might even homer.

  6. Kelly and Kikuchi are similar in that they get by on outsmarting hitters, and the Yankees have a lot of dumb hitters (Soto, to be fair, really seemed fucked over by the ump’s inconsistent strike zone today, but the rest are just dumb).

  7. They asked Boone if there was any consideration of hitting for Berti or Trevi, Booner said no. Now its true Richards has a reverse split and maybe letting Berti hit was fine but Trevi is terrible now.

    1. Not using Birdie or Hamilton in the 7th was weird. Not pinch hitting for Trevi in the 8th inexcusable.

    2. Sure he was. That’s just what Boone doing that looks like.

      UPD actually, maybe you’re right, he’d probably have pulled more pitchers for no reason if he were really trying.

  8. Spencer Jones not in lineup tonight. What career ending injury are we about to discover or what 35 year old former star pitcher has he been traded for?

    1. That was an overall poorly officiated game capped with that egregiously terrible call.

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