October 22, 2024

114 thoughts on “Yankees (49-21) @ Royals (39-30) Thursday, June 13, 2024, 2:10 PM EDT

    1. They were in response to a specific need, and I think that that need has mostly been alleviated. Perhaps due to the dead ball, there are more decent starters than there has been in recent history, so no need for openers.

  1. I wouldn’t think that’s what they mean by “blocking the base” anyway – he didn’t block it with his body, he just had a foot down. It’s not like you couldn’t get to the base.
    But I don’t know what the definition of “blocking the base” is.
    Any of you know?

    1. he had the ball before he got in the line so it doesn’t matter anyway, no?

    2. Arguably. Probably. But even if he didn’t, can THAT really be what the rule forbids?

  2. So if the first two games of the LA series prove how desperately they need Soto, does this sudden drop in offensive performance prove they need Stanton?

    1. Yeah, my feed was behind and I skipped ahead – accidentally over the first batter.

    1. Yeah, who cares. But I’d rather it took better pitches to get him out.

    1. Just another indication of his rapid decline, he’s been brutal on defense way too much.

    1. There’s about a 99% chance that Cash addresses that before the trade deadline. A reliever who can K guys is definitely the main thing he is looking for.

  3. i just blame hughes for not challenging the hitters till he was way behind. or he just didn’t have it.

    if the mets would trade diaz for two low level prospects do you take it and the contract?

    1. I think him not challenging until he was behind was BECAUSE he just didn’t have it. The Isbel hit was hit way too hard for a typical Holmes hit.

    2. the guy has struck out 30 in 20ip. if he puts it together it has upside. or he puts it together just enough its return of the chapman.

      anyway, i trust them on relief pitchers but also won’t complain if they spin often another five wins in a row or replace clay

  4. Easy to chalk this one up to “You can’t win them all” but OTOH the team that wins 103 games in the AL East will be playing in the WC series.
    Nestor deserved a better fate.

    1. eh, still have a glut of middling mlb rp, upside sp prospects, and mi prospects. not to mention spencah!

    1. Otis did the vocals to Steve Cropper’s acoustic guitar. Cropper told Otis he was going to lay down the electric guitar tracks the next day, Friday, and asked Otis if he’d be there to hear them. No, said Otis, I’ll hear them when I get back;; Otis never got back.

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