March 3, 2025

7 thoughts on “ Schmidt’s adjustments pay off after tipping pitches

  1. There is only one team I know of that posts it’s financial numbers publicly.

    The Braves showed income of:

    2016 $262 million
    2017 $386 million
    2018 $442 million
    2019 $476 million
    2020 $178 million
    2021 $568 million
    2022 $589 million
    2023 $641 million

    2020 was the pandemic season with no fans at the ballparks, 2021 was their World Series winning season, last year was their first year over $600 million.

    The Braves posted an operating loss of $46 million for 2023, and the same article that all these numbers come from quotes the CEO of Braves Holdings as “thrilled” with the financial performance of the team.

    Of the $641 million in revenue last year $161 million came from broadcasting. So $380 million from tickets, merch, and concessions.

    The article also mentions the Braves had 39k in average tickets sold per game in 2023, but suggests only 32k in attendance for each game. The Yankees had average of 40k in tickets sold each game in 2023.

    If you have $80 million in profit at the end of the season and you then decide to pay the team owner $100 million I guess that’s how you show an operating loss of $20 million, that’s not hard.

    I feel like this is a Fangraphs article. Here’s an idea, and a bunch of statistics…which lead us to no conclusion about the idea.

    I suppose it’s not that hard to fail to profit on $641 million in revenue on a baseball team, these books are reviewed by the SEC, they must be accurate at some level. It sure would be nice to know how much the Braves are paying to executives and ownership to come up with that loss.

    Hal may be paying himself $100 million and thinking he needs a raise.

    1. I don’t believe that the SEC reviews MLB teams books. I believe there needs to be 2000 shareholders before they have any authority.

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