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66 thoughts on “Yankees (56-38) @ Rays (45-47) Thursday, July 11, 2024, 6:50 PM EDT

    1. I truly do not understand the allure of the shortened/nonexistent rehab stint.

  1. “since the Yankees have never scored more than one run off of Shane Baz, and the Yankees have lost their last five games against the Rays that Nestor pitched”

    So what you are saying is that they are due… to lose again.

  2. Well now, that was about as shitty of a first inning as you could get. First wasting second and third and no outs, and then giving up two runs to the first two batters.

    Awesome, awesome, awesome.

  3. It’s patently absurd that their starters can’t just not suck. Like, you lose, you lose, but you lose because your starter sucked, what are you supposed to do with that?

    Especially against such a shitty Tampa Bay offense.

    1. Whatever else we might think about this team, i think we can rest assured that if they make the playoffs, it won’t be with this current active roster. You sub in Stanton, Martian, and a trade acquisition, and the team is totally different.

  4. They should call up Rumfield to see if he can hit and DH Rice.

    Vivas is also 1dotting it over the last month and can cover 3b and 2b

    What are they waiting for?

    Cabrera doesn’t need anymore at bats.
    Rizzo isn’t going to do anything when he’s back.

  5. The reason Stanton isn’t doing rehab is probably that he refused. Players with some amount of service time can’t be made to do it. It’s silly but it’s a thing. I imagine Stanton refused and they are covering for him. Didn’t whatshisface do that, the bad centerfielder who got cut?

  6. Captain judge has picked a fine time to suck.
    Another night of not watching = another night of not wasting my time in this garbage team.
    Fire Boone and I’ll start paying attention again. Maybe.

  7. Trevino pinch hitting for Wells who was 2/3, small sample Wells vs RHPs before tonight 199/300/353, vs LHPs 286/348/286 so it’s not like Booner had any rationale.

    Trevino hitting 132 last 28 days

    1. Oh yeah, I don’t blame Trevino for the at-bat. He had a professional at-bat. The issue was pinch-hitting for Wells period. Just an absurdly shitty decision. 2/3 with a home run and he gets pinch hit for by TREVY!?

    1. Even that is a bit misleading, as they leaned HEAVILY on their good relievers in the series.

      But yes, Cousins did well, also. I really do like the idea of just letting Blake work with a bunch of no-names, and try to see which ones he can find something with. The ones he can’t, you cut.

  8. Having one of their few key players injured for series against a prime opponent seems to be the mandatory MO this year.

    On the other hand, they can’t win WITH Soto, so – what’s the difference?

    And as for the Trevi AB – there were a pile of times this game – and throughout this stretch – where they strike out on borderline pitches. That’s on THEM. I have news for fellas, but it’s well over a century since the game realized there’s a great chance of either you or the ump getting those wrong. That’s why, with two strikes, you foul off pitches right on the edge if you can’t hit them. This is news to them? It’s so far beyond just “not being prepared” I have no words.

    1. Yes, of course! But that’s not his fault. Relying on them to make the right call on all those calls with two strikes, and striking out most of the time, is lunacy. Precisely BECAUSE many of those calls were so bad. Once you have two strikes, especially late in the game, down one or two runs, with men on – who are you proving your eye too? Fine, you were right, but you’re also out, and the team lost. You have to try to foul those off and not leave it to the percentages of the mercy of the umpire.
      Fouling off two-strike pitches to stay alive is – and nothing in the history of the human race has ever been put more mildly – NOT A REVOLUTIONARY IDEA.

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