October 18, 2024

83 thoughts on “Yankees (60-43) vs. Mets (52-48) Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 7:05 PM EDT

    1. He remembered he’d like something better than a split contract for the Pirates next year

    2. If the Yankees bring back Gleyber it will be proof they don’t know what they’re doing…wait hahahaha

  1. I think that was a set play… by the Mets. Throw the ball away, let the runner get in scoring position, then you know the inning’s over.

    1. It was a set play because they know Volpe is far less dangerous with RISP 2 out 184.

  2. You just NEVER expect a Yankee to get a hit with RISP. NEVER! It’s uncanny. And while his previous AB DJ hit it hard, that weak ass ground ball was far more typical.

  3. RAB echoing Judge’s getting coach “ The answer is they are very bad at developing hitters, so much so that they can’t even grow their bench guys and have no depth.” Amen.

    1. If Cashman can replace all of the crappy players with good ones this team could really be something.

  4. just like last year, they need to buy AND sell at the deadline. make deals to make the team better long term. if someone wants a rental or whatever also give them up. they seem to have less surplus talent than ever but i don’t think they should buy and leverage the future. the team is a disaster. at least make it drastically different. we’ve seen enough from cut cut cut sell and maybe it’s addition by subtraction.

    how could cashman survive these bad contracts and young players not panning out?

    pee tapes. has to be.

  5. The players may love Boone but for a few years now it sure seems like there’s been an awful lot of choke on this team. The hitters don’t hit in the clutch. Holmes has 6 blown saves. And the one time they get a big hit, the defense, plus Holmes, chokes away the win. Maybe they’d play better for a manager who they didn’t love so much.

    1. remember when Gary bloomed once he got away from Girardi!

      yeah, me either.

  6. i’ve wanted cabrera gone for awhile. nice error, chump. can’t wait to watch you pound another one into the dirt. there are at least 30 of these guys in the minors, can’t we give another one a shot? why are he and dj getting so many at bats?

    this whole thing is so embarrassing.

    bring up rumfield. fire boone. fire cash. wtf

    1. Rumfield is just a Rice duplicate at 1B. Vivas has tailed off and Peraza is another Yankee who used to be a prospect before the Yankee development team got a hold of him. Other prospects like Jones, Arias and Lombard seem to be stagnating in the expert hands of the Yankees development team.

    2. peraza at 274 366 403 in july…. maybe he makes a difference when rosters expand.

      hardly a difference maker but he wouldn’t have thrown five feet off home from the pitchers mound

  7. The Yankees will be lucky to win one at Fenway this weekend. Their pitching isn’t great, but they hit, and sub from each of their starters and were totally outclassed.

    1. hal will hire a consulting company to figure out how to squeeze more from the concessions stands.

  8. dj with a .500 ops

    with the season on the line you have to say figure it out in aaa or we are cutting you.

    a team guy would do it.

    maybe it’s a health thing and next year is better but how can you keep running him out there.

    same with rizzo. rake in aaa or take a hike.

    they get paid either way so whatever.

    1. a 500 ops!

      if they want fans to believe they are serious about winning they need to prove it because both the players and fans seem unconvinced.

      these guys dont have to work another day in their lives, i don’t think it’s too much to ask.

    2. DJ has been awful for 4 seasons now, his best OPS 2021-2024 was 2022’s 734. He’s done.

    1. Blake’s Magic, a 1970’s TV show. Pitching coaches are basically fungible. To believe this guy has some secret sauce formula is silly, but apparently the Yankees along with our own Brian believe it.

    2. I don’t mind keeping him as the last man in the bullpen until they call up Effross, but yes, he’s got to go. He’s here on rep, but that’s stupid. And Boone trusts him too much.

  9. Katie Sharp by the numbers-MAGICAL!

    Yankees have now allowed 55 HR (in 28 games) since June 20. (Now 56)
    That’s currently 12 more than any other team in that span.

    Yankees have allowed 181 runs since June 15.
    The only team that’s allowed more in that span is Rockies (205).

    Yankees now have 15 HR allowed to No. 9 hitters this season. That’s the most in MLB

  10. That’s be a hell of a line-up, Brian, except that it’ll take the Martian to get India.
    Or maybe, with the “Yankee tax,” Judge.

    1. Also, I could see India proactively writing to the Yankee:

      Hi, guys. Just letting you know that I pride myself on being a great teammate and creating no trouble for anyone. But there’s one thing: I’m not cutting my hair. It’s a part of who I am, my personality – or in terms you may understand better, my brand. As a team that prides itself upon representing American values like freedom, you’ll be the first to understand that. Especially in an age where even the corporate drone world, whose aesthetic seems to be yours, is going casual, allowing even their employees this kind of basic freedom. So if you trade for me, I’d either ask you to make an exception, or trade me so as not to end up with nothing, because I won’t be cutting my hair. Other than that, I’d love to play for the Yankees, and you can expect me to put everything I have into that.
      With admiration
      Jonathan India

  11. This is unbearable.
    Stupid team + great players I could take.
    Brilliant team + things go wrong with the roster I could take.
    But this? I need to check out for a week or two and hope they actually do something.

    1. Your are about 3 weeks behind me.
      They will never win a WS with Boone as the manager; and probably not with Cashman as GM.
      Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. In which case the entire Yankee org and their fans are insane.

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