From Bryan Hoch:
As he prepares to enter his eighth season as the Yankees’ manager, Aaron Boone said that “there’s no other place I’d rather be, and no other team I’d rather be doing it with.”
Boone’s tenure in the Bombers’ dugout will be extended by an additional two years, as the Yankees announced a new deal on Thursday that will take him through the 2027 season. The club had previously picked up Boone’s option for ’25.
Yankees general manager Brian Cashman recently said that managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner has been involved in the discussions with Boone, who has been the club’s manager since 2018.
You know I don’t like it, but, well, they just made it to the World Series, we all knew they weren’t going to get rid of the guy. I guess we should be “happy” that it’s only two more years. They could still theoretically fire him next season if they only have to eat a single year.
Fired up but not smartened up.
There is no joy in Mudville.
But Beantown is rejoicing.
I don’t get this “teams don’t like to have a lame duck manager” thing. That means you intend to employ the manager until he dies or retires, or failing that you fire him with (at least) a year remaining in the deal and eat the money. Teams don’t act this way about players and managers are so, so much less important
Double talk.
I think it’s more a case of, “if the guy just goes to the World Series, you should give him an extension if he’s entering his lame duck year.” Because obviously the Yankees have been more than willing to let Boone manage as a lame duck multiple times. But they just made it to the World Series, most teams tend to reward their managers in those scenarios.
They fired Joe Torre. Was Boone going to quit? Just wait until July.
They fired Torre YEARS after his last World Series. And there’s no way they would have fired him HAD he made it to the World Series in 2007.
Girardi, for instance, likely would have stuck around for another year or two had they made it in 2017.
Wow, ESPN dropping their MLB rights after 35 years. Crazy.
It sounds like both parties wanted out, as ESPN had spent so much money elsewhere, and MLB figured it could break up the rights package and make more money splitting it between various places.
As tone deaf as Manfred may be, he has generally made positive changes for baseball. And importantly, has focused on trying to make it easier to actually watch baseball.
MLB, now streaming on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Max, Apple, Peacock, Paramount, PBS, Tubi, Mubi, and Poopi.
What about WPIX Channel 11?
Easier to watch – you mean “all you have to do is have 17 separate paid subscriptions” easy?
I know, of course, what you mean, but I’ll never, ever get it. Baseball ISN’T hard to watch, it’s a pleasure to watch… or I wouldn’t do it. The changes all seem geared to make sure there’s just… less of it. Again, if the goal is to spend less time watching baseball, just watch less of it. But I really don’t think that’s a baseball fan’s goal.
Iirc prime is the only one that is directly licensed by baseball. All other streaming platforms are done by the teams.
This is an issue of a money grab by the owners and MLB not being able to do much about it.
For the broadcasts MLB does control now, they are dropping blackouts. That’s a good move.
A great move world be clawing back all broadcast rights, but that’s an uphill battle.
“smartened up”
As strongly as I agree, in all fairness you have to admit it’d be far easier for him to get smarter than the reverse.
Bring on the beards!
Man, first Boone now beards. Fuck Hal with a gold-plated dildo.
SOLID gold dildo
I’m okay with beards. Not my personal preference, but they’re adults and it’s 2025.
There were two great things about the policy:
1.) First and foremost, beards suck.
2.) It annoyed idiots on Twitter who love to have little groupthink pet causes despite having zero skin in the game. The same people always carping about hte beard policy are the same people weirdly invested in Idris Elba playing Bond despite maybe — MAYBE — having caught 20 minutes of Goldfinger on TNT one time.
I feel like the endpoint of your arc is having to grow a beard for some reason and becoming a beard evangelist
Cash has his eyes on this great Hasidic kid who’s tearing up his Williamsburg Little league team sponsored by the Rebbe. He’s already listed on the depth chart for 2035, but the beard. If they waited another five years on the beard policy it would be considered DEI. Cash is looking ahead.
I *never* should’ve taken that three-hour tour to the nearby lush, tropical island.
I have a short well groomed beard because shaving everyday is annoying and a buzzer is so much easier to me AND I think Idris Elba should be Bond and I’ve watch all the bond films.
I will be in my Mom’s basement the rest of the day.
Maybe stay there the whole week.
J. Dominguez
C. Bellinger
P. Goldschmidt
J. Chisholm Jr.
A. Volpe
J.C. Escarra
P. Reyes
O. Peraza
E. Pereira
That pretty much looks like the lineup they’ll use when Judge is on the IL for 2 months.
Yes Hal there is a strong correlation between success and payroll.
It would be incredible if Judge grew an Abe Lincoln
Curry praising Warren change up.
I’m trying to picture Aaron Judge with a beard. What type would suit his face best? AI guys, go!
Civil War era mutton chops into mustache, obviously.
Brent Headrick strikes out the side. Averaged 11+k/9 in minors.
Hampton to have TJS, of course
excuse me, had it today
That was fast. Did they miss it last year?
Super fast. Really sucks – he basically missed last year too.
Will Warren change up