March 3, 2025

235 thoughts on “World Series Game 4: Yankees (0-3) vs. Dodgers (3-0) Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 8:08 PM

  1. It’s insane. We’ve been here all season discussing what an idiot he is and then he outdoes himself with one final idiotic move that tops them all. Let’s take my second best hitter and bat him 5th. And yet he’s their manager and we are just commentators on a blog.

  2. Freeman 4 home runs in 4 days, Yankee 1Bs no home runs since 7/31/23 no I meant 2024, just seems like 2023.

    Cashman’s legacy Gallo, Donaldson, resigning DJ, Verdugo has crippled this team

    1. The July 31st thing avoids the whole point of the issue, which is that that was the trade deadline, and AT THE TRADE DEADLINE, it looked like they had a first baseman who could hit in Ben Rice. And then he completely collapsed after that.

      Seven home runs at the time, none after that, with a .746 OPS becoming a .212 OPS after the trade deadline.

    2. You had Rice AND you had Rizzo coming back, too, though. Who on the market was going to be a clear upgrade? It wasn’t a very big first base market. The only notable one was Josh Bell, who sucks, too.

    1. LHBs vs Gil 210/707, RHBs 170/584. That’s a big split and Freeman is obviously locked in. I walk him.

  3. This whole thing is kind of Gleyber’s fault. Now I’m not sure about the QO. I guess offer it only if you know he wont take it. What a loser.

    1. His insanely poor decision-making is why I won’t miss him, but I’ll admit that I’d like to be sure that they are not going to, like, run Oswaldo Cabrera out there everyday at third, with Jazz at second.

    2. It wouldn’t be worse. Then you could see what he could do given two and a half months. And they have more people in the pipeline.

      He was actually terrible on both sides of the ball this year.

    1. I think he has more potential than phenom. He’ll probably never reach that potential.

    1. Bizarro world game.
      Volpe hits a grand slam… and somebody actually answers Don’s question!

    2. I’ve also been asking it rhetorically, but him actually doing it made me curious enough to go through game logs.

  4. Verdugo?
    So MLB was so distressed at this series turning into such a pathetic, uncompelling, quick defeat that they’ve actually paid the Dodgers to throw this game.

    1. He held out just long enough for you to start to fall for the idea that he was going to hold them down, and then slips the knife between the ribs.

    1. Yes, I wrote that long before the decision came down. They had to reverse it.
      It’s just that column of smoke over the treetops we all see approaching from way off in the distance as we all lie here tied to the train tracks.

    1. He must have been listening to the announcers about how hurt Freeman is, so he took his sweet time with that, thinking that no way the hobbled Freeman could get to first in time.

  5. I wish I hadn’t praised Gil, I should have known better. Then Gleyber gets involved too. Goodbye, Gleyber, you don’t run out a ball in the WS, you play shaky defense. Goodbye.

  6. I’m not watching because it’s both too depressing and also too ragestroke inducing, but I will say if they do hang on by some miracle and then win tomorrow by some even bigger miracle, it’ll be even more infuriating knowing they should be up 3-2 with two bites at the apple in LA than down 3-2 praying Rodon doesn’t go full Rodon, knowing fuck well he’ll go extra Rodon no matter what.

    Game 1 was just full Chernobyl, poisoning the land around it for generations.

    1. They’re winning, but it’s like watching a house of cards with a tropical storm blowing in.

    1. They had deals for him and Cashman passed because he’s a fool and thought he was going to hit 30 every year.

    1. The only advantage of it getting closer is that the dodgers may feel the need to use their good relievers.

    1. I actually think you can clearly see Rizzo closing in on back to normal. Seeing the ball again. I actually think he can be good when his fingers heal.
      But it doesn’t help us now.

    1. Maybe. It seems to me that Gleyber’s made fewer outs than Soto, but I haven’t checked.

  7. 11 runs off four crap pitchers when Roberts was bullpenning with house money. Whatever.

    Sure would be nice if this was a 2-2 series like it’s supposed to be.

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